You can then calculate your turnover with this simple formula: Dividing this figure by 2 will give you the average employee count.

To calculate the average number of employees, you take the number of the employed at the beginning of the period and add it to the number of the employed at the end of the period. The number of employees at the end of the period.The number of employees at the beginning of the period.The number of employees who left in the time period, including both voluntary and involuntary leave.
#Hirschbach turnover rate professional
Sue Andrews, senior human resources (HR) professional and fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, says that to calculate turnover, you’ll need three separate figures: When calculating your turnover rate, you need to look at a set period of time ― usually one year. To figure out if you have an employee turnover problem, you first need to determine your turnover rate. How do you calculate your employee turnover rate?

If it is, you can take steps to figure out why employees are leaving and what you can do to make your organization a place where employees want to stay. Once you’re armed with the data, you can then come to conclusions about whether your employee turnover is a problem. To get a clear picture, you first need to determine your employee turnover rate and see how that number compares with businesses nationwide. If several employees have recently left your business, however, you may be wondering if that’s normal or if there’s a problem that you need to identify and address. While employees used to stay with one company for the majority of their careers, job-hopping has become much more common for today’s workers. Some level of employee turnover is natural for all businesses.