Fixed the issue of deleting backwards when pressing Del key in Outliner Fixed the issue of missing notes after editing in Outliner Fixed the failure of find & replace in special cases Optimized the pop-up menu when right-clicking XMind in macOS dock Optimized the display of watermark in exported and printed documents Optimized the experience of adding/removing watermarks in exported and printed documents Optimized the preview effect of quick style Optimized the experience when moving a topic Optimized the logic of uploading mind maps via XMind Share Optimized the content and sequence of font list Optimized experiences when using Map Shot Create folder links conveniently by dragging folders to the map Enable/disable spell check in preferences Holly new UI, powerful, friendly and expressive More options for image: size, border, shadow, and even opacity New Fishbone – More efficient to track down the cause and effect Tree Table – A new structure that displays topics with nested rectangles Skeleton & Color Theme – Combine skeletons and color themes your way Pitch Mode – Present your mind map with one click share mind maps created on social networks.get output in PDF, PPT, XLS and Word (doc,docx) format.change themes and fonts with high customization capability.Having many and varied templates on a ready-made basis.Ability to take screenshots from parts of the mental map.Possibility of combining mental maps with each other.Print multiple pages simultaneously side by side.

The software also has the ability to automatically store and synchronize mental maps online and make you feel comfortable about the security of your information. The software is designed to collect this scattered information in a central location and process and aggregate them later at the right opportunity.